Antonio Daza Jate Kulchavita
A mestizo being a MAMO, Spiritual Father.
In the official version of the material world as we know it, the character is expressed with the name Luis Antonio Daza Cárdenas, born on August 3, 1954, in the municipality of Chiquinquirá – Boyacá, in the Cundiboyacense highlands.
From his childhood years, he began to feel a curiosity to experience life, naturally leading to his migration to the city, where he embraced the urban life and its modern schooling processes. During his university years, he studied psychology and anthropology at the National University of Colombia until 1981. At the same time, he began his experiential inquiry into indigenous knowledge, recognizing his ancient Chibcha origin as his place of origin. This led to a parallel education in the intellectual and academic realm, creating an immersion in indigenous knowledge by recognizing his Chibcha origin, which brought him closer to the cultures of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta due to the ancient relationship between both cultures.
This bond solidified to begin his training process as a Jate or Mamo, meaning spiritual guide; generating a learning process with his teacher Jate Aluka, with whom he was in an intense and deep training process for 10 years. At the same time, he also received instruction from the people of the Amazon, known as the territory of coca and tobacco people.
Even during his indigenous knowledge research processes, he spent some of his years working as a researcher and professor at three universities: Universidad Santo Tomás, Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano, and as an occasional lecturer at the National University of Colombia in Bogotá. From the training experience with the Kogi master Aluka, he used his inspiration to develop the SPIRAL method, currently used in his ancestral wisdom school Through this method, his knowledge, experiences, and other spiritually conscious tools, he works to strengthen the integral restoration of the BEING of people, dedicating his life fully to communicating and extending indigenous thought worldwide through the content of the SPIRAL method, as it was inspired by the world itself.
He is also a co-participant in generating a process of cultural redemption in the Muisca root communities of the Cundiboyacense highlands in Colombia, starting with the recovery of traditional houses or houses of thought (MALOCAS) in different parts of the world, such as COLOMBIA – Antioquia in the municipality of Cocorná, Boyacá in the municipalities of Ráquira and Saboyá, Cundinamarca – San Francisco, SPAIN – Catalonia.
Currently, he is focused on sharing the SPIRAL method for the integral regeneration of the BEING and providing consultations for the implementation of the ancestral cultural system of Colombia in more modern communities of today. He is also integrating the SPIRAL method, which contains a comprehensive synthesis of the BEING’s training processes linked to a restitution of the culture on sexuality, founded on the traditional bases of the indigenous traditions of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia, with the integration of other wisdoms like Hindu and Chinese, which provide methods of understanding to establish a practical pedagogy in this vital and central experience of humanity’s generation. The very sense of sexuality with its depths remains absent of more profound and conscious perspectives and content that project the BEING towards the consciousness of feminization as a natural condition of HUMAN existence on Earth.